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About Corked News

Hi, nice to meet you! I’m the man behind Corked News. I’m basically just a regular guy, that has a huge interest in wine. I started this website in 2023, primarily with the scope of using it as my own private “encyclopedia” – storing my knowledge of wine in one place, for my personal use. An electronic wine-database so to speak, that should be easy to navigate.

As the site grew bigger with more and more posts, I realized that perhaps the rest of the world could benefit from the golden pieces of knowledge on the site as well. Therefore I decided to actually open it to the public, and that’s why you can now enjoy all of the articles about this wonderful beverage.

My interest in wine sprouted years ago, when I was the weird young youngster that preferred wine over beer when at a party. What I find fascinating about the world of wine, is that there are so many different grapes, regions, wine styles and variations, that makes it a never-ending journey to pursue. You can always dig deeper in the knowledge, finding new niches to explore. That’s why this hobby is so dear to me, as I hope it is for you as well.

All in all, I hope that you will enjoy this website as much as I enjoy making it for you. I’m always open to new ideas about wine-related articles to write about, so feel free to Contact me with your ideas. I’m also very open to praise or critisicm about the page, so feel free to contact me about this as well.

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